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Selectmen Minutes 08/04/2009
Chichester Board of Selectmen
Minutes of Meeting
August 4, 2009

Members present:  Chairman Stephen MacCleery Sr., Jeffrey Jordan, Richard DeBold and Jamie Pike, Administrative Assistant.

Others Present:  John Martel, Bette Bogdan, Barbara Frangione, Donna Chagnon, Gil Vien, Jim Plunkett, John Dever, Tom Houle, Walter Sanborn, Lucille Noel, Steve Stock, Amy Augustine (Concord Monitor Reporter), and Joyce Terrill (Pittsfield Resident).

Chairman MacCleery opened the meeting at 7:00PM.

Department Heads

Emergency Management Director:  Mr. Martel provided an updated of the Hazard Mitigation Plan and is awaiting a final draft for review.

Building Inspector:  Mr. Dever reported that the roof to the Safety Building has been repaired.  There were no reports of leaks over the past weekend.

Mr. Dever asked the Board for their opinion if a portable storage container could be used as a part of a permanent structure.  It was recommended by Mr. Dever that such a container should be placed upon a permanent foundation and be finished with an appropriate siding.  The Board was in agreement that such use of a container was acceptable with the stated conditions as the container then becomes no longer portable.

Mr. Dever also provided a draft letter to the Board regarding the zoning complaint on Dover Road.  This letter was reviewed later in the evening.

Road Agent:  Mr. Plunkett reported that the Excavator has been repaired.  Projects that were completed in the past week were the replacement of culverts of Granny Howe Road, Hilliard Road at the intersection of Swiggey Brook Road, Ferrin Road at Ms. Baker’s, site clean-up at the Community Building.  Mr. Plunkett reported that the salt price is to be set next week.  FL Merrill has called concerning the sand bid for this winter.  The Road Agent shall develop a specification with the Board and begin the bid process soon.

Mr. Plunkett has spoken with Rob from CLD regarding Depot Street Bridge.  After the awarding of the bid, there is $1400.00 remaining in the budget for engineer review.  This amount will cover one day of on-site review.  It was recommended by Mr. Plunkett and agreed to by the Board that the review should occur after the forms have been place and prepared before any concrete is poured.

Mr. Plunkett has begun a review of the applications received for the full-time position, and plans to begin interviews next week.  The Board requested to review all applications received.

Mr. Plunkett reported that the loader is being used to block the entrance to the highway shed as a large amount of crushed gravel has allegedly been stolen from the site.  A chain has been ordered to secure the entrance.  

Ms Terrill, a Pittsfield resident, was present this evening to express her concern over the placement of the stop sign at the end of Pleasant Street at Kelly’s Corner Road.  Ms. Terrill stated that she has spoken to both the Road Agent and the Police Dept. in the past concerning the placement of the sign.  The Board recognized that the sign has been moved on several occasions in an attempt to remedy the issues with sight distance at this location.  The bushes located along the edges of the road have been trimmed, but much of the vegetation blocking the views is not within the right-of way.  Mr. Plunkett was asked to review the location of the sign, and determine a compromised location for the sign to be the most effective.

Ms. Frangione requested that a “Stop ahead” sign be place on Center Road approaching Main Street.  Mr. Plunkett stated that he had one in inventory and was willing to put up the sign.

It was also reported that there were several large potholes at the end of Depot Street.  Mr. Plunkett was directed to contact District 5 to have these repaired.

Fire Warden:  No report.

Library:  Ms. Noel reported that the summer reading program has gone very well.  There have been many activities included events at Lisa’s farm in Barnstead.  

It was also reported that the 2 new computers have been purchased, and the software is being shipped.

Mr. DeBold asked about the condition of the 2 cannons at the Library.  He has noticed that some of the wood has decayed and expressed concern over the potential liability if someone were to be injured.  Mr. Vien expressed that his brother has offered in the past to rebuild wooded structures that hold the cannons, and that he would be willing to donate some oak beams for their construction.  It was recommended that pressure treated beams also be looked into.

Fire Chief:  Mr. Vien reported that he has contacted LGC regarding the copier.  It was recommended that Town Counsel be contacted to handle the issue of getting a copy of the leasing contract and the disposition of the copier.  The Board directed Mr. Vien to contact Bart Mayer concerning this issue.

Mr. Vien requested the Board to once again review the cell phone carrier.  Mr. Vien is requesting the use of Verizon, as he reports many problems with Nextel, to include:  service issues, delayed delivery of voicemails and battery life.  The Board shall request a report from the Police Department about their concerns if any regarding Nextel.  Mr. Stock reported that he has had no problems with the current provider.

47 King Road:  Mr. MacCleery reported that he has contacted each of the abutters of the property.  The abutters would like the remains to be removed from the property.  Although written permission to access the property, verbal permission has been given by the property owner.  BCEP shall be contacted to see if they will accept the remains, and if so, Mr. Jordan has volunteered to remove the remains.

Non-public session
Present: Fire Chief Gil Vien

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II (a), a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to enter into non-public session regarding the dismissal of an employee.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan –Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 III, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of one year.  Discussion ensued concerning the length of time to seal the minutes.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Nea, Jordan – Nea, DeBold – Nea.  Motion fails.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 III, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to seal the minutes of the non-public session for a period of five years.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Pursuant to RSA 91-A:3 II, a motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to exit the non-public session at 8:15pm.  A roll call vote was taken:  MacCleery – Yea, Jordan – Yea, DeBold – Yea.  Motion passes.

Town Administrator- Nancy Tanner
Mr. MacCleery introduced Ms. Tanner to the audience members present.  Ms. Tanner will be beginning on Monday, August 10th.  Mr. DeBold, prepared letters for those candidates interviewed, thanking them for their interest in the position.

Mr. Pike was directed to contact Mike Dodge to set-up the computer systems for Ms. Tanner.

General Business:

A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to authorize the withdrawal and expenditure of $3950.00 from the Town Facilities Capital Reserve fund for the purposes of grading and paving the Community Building parking lot.  Motion passes.

The upgrade agreement between the Board and Mr. Pike was signed after minor corrections.

The Board signed 2 Intents to Cut for Mr. Giuda for Map 9 Lots 9 and 9a.

The Board reviewed the letter drafted regarding the zoning complaint on Dover Road.  The Board questioned about the ability of the Board to enforce that the road be upgraded.  The Board requested Town Counsel opinion regarding the long term use of recreational trailers and conditions of emergency access roads.

Ms. Frangione asked the Board about the status of the trash clean-up project at 42 Main Street.  Mr. Jordan stated that a longer period of dry weather is required in order to cross the lawn to get to the area.

Mr. DeBold reported that he did receive a return phone call from Terry Gagon with the Weathervane corporate office.  He was unavailable at the time and has not had an opportunity to return the call.

Mr. Pike reported that the Ferman’s have decided to move forward with a deed restriction upon their property versus a conservation easement.  This method of protection has been approved by DES.  

Mr. Jordan requested to be appointed as a member of the Conservation Commission.  Mr. Jordan has previously been a member.  A motion was made by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. DeBold to appoint Mr. Jordan to the Conservation Commission.  Motion passes.

The minutes of July 28, were reviewed and approved as corrected.  Corrections were requested by Ms. Bogdan regarding the beginning date of her nursing career.  Other minor corrections were made.

A sign will be posted at the Community Building regarding the parking of motorcycles due to the softness of the new pavement.  There have been some minor damage occurring.

Ms. Noel reported that the Governor has signed the new stone wall protection bill into law.

A motion by Mr. MacCleery and seconded by Mr. Jordan to adjourn the meeting at 9:15pm.  Motion passes.

Respectfully submitted,

                                                                        Approved as written.
Jamie A Pike

____________________________    ___________________________     __________________________
Stephen MacCleery, Sr., Chairman        Jeffrey Jordan                          Richard DeBold